
Flora and fauna: what is it?

When we talk about the word flora we should know that it has a relative meaning in Roman mythology because there was a deity who was responsible for flowers, spring and gardens, his name was Flora. While this may be irrelevant to many, we can see that he has absolutely a lot in common with what flora means to us now.

Well, now we will know the concept of flora that we have today. Today, when we talk about flora, we mean everything plant, be it trees, bushes, flowers and even fungi and bacteria that can be found in a certain place and at a certain time also fall under this category.

On the other hand, we should also know that even the word fauna comes from Roman mythology, because when we talk about fauna, we mean sister Fauno, the spiritual inhabitant and protector of forests. Now, when we mean fauna, we are talking about all those animals that are in a certain place and at a certain time.

So we can say that the concept of flora and fauna that we are dealing with now refers to all living beings belonging to the kingdom of animals and plants that are in a certain region for a certain time.

We must clearly understand that flora and fauna are not only animals and plants that coexist in the same place and at the same time, but we are also talking about all the connections they may have with the general environment that surrounds them. However, we should know that this does not only apply to geographical places, i.e. we do not only mean flora and fauna when we talk about specific places and times of a certain geographical location, but we can also use this term when we talk about upper or lower habitats.

A prime example of the above is talking about the existing flora and fauna on a particular coastal beach, the flora and fauna found in the Caribbean Sea or the Pacific Sea, even, one might say, a little more global, the flora and fauna of the oceans in general. So when we refer to levels, it means that when we talk about an area, some specimens may or may not be included, it will depend on the study that is being done at the time.

Today, biologists and people who love ecology have a deep interest in studying flora and fauna because knowing them can help us learn much more about the different ecosystems that exist on our planet and what is the relationship between them? Furthermore, knowing about them also helps us to preserve and protect the great biodiversity that exists and the natural ecosystems that still remain.