

It’s a pleasure to welcome you to my blog! My name is Jennifer, and I love exploring the wildlife of our planet. In fact, this is what my blog is all about.

I would like to say a few words in defense of free nature, this wild, amazing, completely different civilization, which every day is disappearing more and more rapidly from the planet Earth. I would like to raise the question of its right to exist, to freedom and dignity.

Man has finally realized that all people have the same right to life and freedom, regardless of their color, race, nationality. It is now time for man to understand that wildlife and its species also have equal value and rights of their own. Like man, every animal or plant has only one life, and the earth is its only home. Unfortunately, wildlife cannot wait. And if environmental ethics spreads as slowly as democracy, the day may simply come when there will be no more wildlife left on Earth…

Of course, no wilderness (pristine) completely independent of the influence of human civilization currently exists. However, through idealization, the concept of “wild, free nature” can be extended to a fairly large number of natural areas not significantly altered by man. After all, mathematicians can operate with such an ideal concept as “point” and “circle”, physicists – “ideal gas” and “incompressible liquid”.

Mountains, deserts, tundra, arctic areas, underwater areas, caves can fall under the definition of “wilderness. With some stretch – old-growth forests, overgrown deltas of large rivers, large swamps, river canyons, areas of virgin steppes.